Monday, December 14, 2009

Sharing Susan Boyle's Dreams

Here Susan Boyle is singing with Elaine Page. She dreamed of being as good as Ms. Page.
I love her voice and her heart, her humanity and confidence.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Swine Vaccine or Not?

Why this Infectious Disease Expert Wouldn't Give the Swine Vaccine to his Own Children

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Post: Living on the Crust or in the Pie...

Personally, I'm glad for days when families have a good excuse to get together. Sharing good food is another favorite of mine. I like to make pies in particular, and the savory dressing, moist juicy turkey and ham, cold sweet and sour cranberry sauce, comforting mashed potatoes and warm gravy, candied sweet potatoes, etc. is something my mouth waters for at least once a year. I like making homemade crescent rolls, seeing kids put olives on their fingers and contribute to homemade centerpieces.

After years of the above traditional cooking and cleaning up, my children couldn't understand why 'Mom' just wanted to go to the coast, get a motel room, get pizza and Chinese food and just hang out together. It seems that nobody has time for board games any more. I remember my grandson Joe playing checkers with my 80+ yr-old father in the Scappoose living room while the woodstove kept us warm and cozy. Many times I'd see my kids falling asleep on the sofa as they read a book. Home is about spending time together, the wonderful smells of home cooking, enjoying a clean house, and feeling the warmth of the stove and our time together. Like my own mother who had ten of us, however, the shock of seeing her serve a heated ham, mashed potatoes made from dried flakes, peas from a can or frozen bag, and powdered Crystal Light lemonade, though horrifying, after more than twenty years of service, was understandable.

I moved to Vernonia to downsize from my large home in Scappoose after all the kids were gone, and my father was in the process of dying. My plan was to stay for a couple of years until I wrote a book I'm working on, and then find someplace with more sun in the winter. I also thought of just leaving for winter, visiting my Texas grandchildren and traveling to explore some of this country, and maybe others. I have been slowed down by remodeling, the suffering and death of my father, and watching the learning curve of my family of children, trying to be available to support them when needed, to the best of my ability.

I think I am ready to return to my social work practice, where I specialize in sexual abuse healing, and enjoy facilitating groups for women and those going through transitions. I am also interested in creating support groups for caregivers and persons with different forms of dementia and their families. I always offer sliding scale for part of my practice, for those that need it. I try to honor those who need support and are financially struggling, like part of my life where I struggled as a single parent. Those with financial means pay regular fees for their counseling, and help others to be able to afford help, also. Paying it forward, making a difference and helping others is always rewarding. I do this daily helping those I meet- and their children -regain or reach optimal health with food supplements, water filters for clean water, and non-toxic cleaners and skin care with vitamins to absorb instead of disease-causing chemicals. See:

I also am interested in starting a detox center for women that will include a residence offering healthy cooking and cooking classes, nutrients to support and facilitate physical detox, a dry sauna to help with removal of toxins, and massage and acupuncture/acupressure, in partnership with Holistic Medical Professionals. Drug treatment is only successful when supporting the whole picture, including sexual and physical abuse counseling, individual and group counseling to address underlying thinking/behavior, guilt, esteem and grief issues.

I have watched our growing Corrections system, making money off the misery of our sons and daughters too long. My Bachelors is in Administration of Justice and my Masters Degree is in Social Work, which is being an Advocate for Social Justice. I spoke with a parent recently whose daughter does not want to take the psychiatric drugs that prevent her from feeling human and healthy, and create psychotic breaks when she stops taking them. She is being forced to get injections by her Parole Officer, seen as being 'out of compliance', and put in jail. Healing options and real medicine is not offered her. She will die early, an absolute violation of her trust in her 'village' and against her birthright. We are spending too much money in the wrong places and are a part of criminal behavior as a society for allowing this type of story to go on.

I have seen personally with relatives, and professionally, what psychiatric drugs have done to the human body and to human lives, and I am absolutely opposed to this 7-11 attitude and behavior of treating people. Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs cause many horrific homicides and suicides. Instead of the money-making business of prisons, mental health institutions and impotent drug treatment centers and foster homes, wasting taxpayer money and violating their intentions, we need safe havens for abuse, grief and life counseling and education, with healthy food, kind and compassionate treatment and safe, warm beds. The Quakers long ago in our American history did exactly this with prisoners, and were far more successful than any 'modern' Corrections systems. We have tried the lazy way, where the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Doctors have colluded for profit and convenience, and even the Drug Clinics and Foster Homes with mainly sexually abused populations do not offer the sexual abuse counseling needed to heal the children we have let down and left unprotected with our laws and institutions. We have created a profit-making cycle of unprotected chidren populating our prisons.

Our 'professionals' have let us down, with their DX-diagnosing, so they can RX-prescribe drugs of all kinds, which we pay for. When the school killings started, and the lines of kids being given fraudulent diagnoses of 'learning disorders' were herded and given life-altering drugs, where were we? How easily some are manipulated into vaccines, which suddenly go in short supply after the virus is spread, or is it part of some population or control experiment like so many others inflicted on prison and military persons? I am a big supporter of Shutting down the Televisions. Only when the propaganda is quieted, can more people actually think rationally. Can you count the drug commercials now? I can't, as I have not turned on the television in three years.

So, in this season of Thanksgiving, though I am grateful for much that I enjoy, I want to express that there is much we need to do to correct our communities and our country. Some think it is too late, and probably would welcome the Hollywood Solar Flare Theme or 2012 End of the World Discussion, but we live in the here and now, and our children and fellow human beings are suffering and waiting for our attention and action. Only we know in our hearts, if we are creating healthier lives and planet by our presence, and if our lives will count toward the greater good of mankind. I personally believe that it is our first duty to protect each other. Our innocent children who are growing up to populate the prisons, in a country with the highest rate of incarceration in the world, and who turn to drugs and crime, need our guidance and support, justice and healing. With my educational background, it is difficult not to acknowledge what has helped to shape our social conditions, like the CIA dropping crack cocaine into certain neighborhoods which has fueled our prison population, the FDA approving toxic foods which keep the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Doctors profiting, and the FBI removing detox herbs but not pot from Jamaican shops, benefiting the prisons, drug treatment clinics, and the medical/military/pharmaceutical matrix.

We do not have to be perfect, but we need to have a perfect intention of protecting and giving to this world.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Apple Crisp Recipe. Hymn that Needs Music...

I love artsy, creative things, especially done with stone, ceramic tile, etc. Here is part of a wall just one street west of Hawthorne's Baghdad Theatre, (the first house in on the left, I believe) that is one of my favorite things. I also write poetry, and have included one recently written, below. I am asking the public to write music for it, and send it to me, so I can decide what fits the words best. It is written as an answer to a daughter's broken heart after her partner died, the friend who finds himself lonely after divorce and myself and others who sometimes wonder about the suffering of feeling alone.

You can send an MP-3 recording to: or to I can also send a mailing address if you'd rather send it by CD or tape.
If I choose your music, and the song is sold, you will enjoy a portion of any profit. Send the percentage you'd like for negotiation, with your music. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

When sunlight drifts to open shadows
You'll someday look up to find
That you were loved. Surely watched over
And sorrow will be left behind.
Who knows why the journey taken
When those tears wash down your face
But peace waits and all desires
Granted, comfort in His grace.
Faith is hardest kept in valleys
Though we reach, we fail the mark
But all along the light won't falter,
Constant love amid the dark.
Where to look for arms to hold us
When to lay our burdens down
Joy is waiting like a jewel
As we surrender, we are crowned.

Pamela Cohen
10:46 10-26-09

Now for that Apple Crisp recipe I promised. (I sometimes get lost amid the remodeling, etc.)
5 cups cored, sliced apples (Most people peel them)
Mix in 1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon and 1/4 cup water if apples aren't juicy
Put in greased baking dish. I used a Pyrex oval 2qt.
Mix: 1 cube softened butter or margarine. (I use butter.)
1/2 cup each, brown sugar and old fashioned oats
1/3 cup flour
Chopped walnuts or pecans if desired
Sprinkle mixture over apples in the baking dish.
Bake at 350* degrees for 45 min. or until apples are tender.
Serve with whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, or plain.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Some Fun Forwards Lately....

Thanks to a young friend, April for sending these...

This blog below, is another extraordinary website I happened on today....

Cougar news: A big long cat was seen lurking in the grass by the turnoff to Anderson Park on the Vernonia Lake trail a couple of weeks ago. It's large yellow eyes shone in the flashlight glare, when one walker heard an animal in the grass, about 10 ft. away. It was going one direction, and the man and his daughter-in-law and grandson with two small dogs, the other. The cat was not afraid of humans at all.

The bunnies living in the wild briars by the lake seem to be disappearing. The next up in the food chain would be small dogs and then children. Any runners could also incite the chase in a wild animal. I spoke to Officer Kay at the City Office, and he said Fish and Game/Wildlife fellows were coming up the day this cougar was sited near people, again. They use hounds to tree the cougar, a dart puts it to sleep, and it's relocated. Some say their hunting grounds are 60 miles. Without a sign or notification, people using the waking path don't know the cougar is there. Many have stopped walking around the lake, or at least by themselves. Night walking would be more dangerous. Cougars like to sneak up behind their prey, some say. These sitings give a little bit of eery to the Halloween season. One of my logger friends said the cougar has seen me more than I will ever see it.

Well, the apple crisp is done, and the kitchen smells of apples, brown sugar, butter and cinnamon. I'll have to post the recipe next time....

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Boosting Your Immune System

First, a personal note and items of business: This is the color scheme I have played with this summer, and will finish in the spring, when the paint won't bubble with the Autumn moisture here in the 'Pocket in the Woods'. This photo reminds me of my Blueberry box still waiting to be constructed, the Birdhouses that I'm going to seal so they'll last longer, and other Autumn tasks that wonder where I have been.

Last night I went to dinner for my 55th birthday, had halibut at Stanford's, and saw Julie/Julia which I loved. Don't be surprised if I share more of the recipes I try, and maybe sneak in a few poems or other projects amid the health and nutrition pieces.

I recently listened to Dr. Sandra Bevacqua, who is a Molecular and Cellular Microbiologist, a tumor researcher, and has a business helping people overcome cancer. She told of a woman who came to her with breast cancer, that had metasticized into her brain, lung and pelvis who was given 3 months to live. Dr. Bevacqua started this woman on nutrients from Shaklee, and 6 months later, her cancer had not grown, and she was still on the planet. It was not until she began using Citriboost which has the pre and probiotic in it (must refrigerate after opening) and the Optiflora pearl which is the probiotic (no refrigeration needed, as it's triple encapsulated) that the cancer began to disappear.

It seems the immune system prioritizes the digestive area, and needs the flora to become rebalanced so it can focus on other areas of the body. Every tumor receded and left except for one small spot in the pelvis. This story does not end well. The woman had 'friends' that convinced her she did not need Shaklee products, saying they were too expensive, etc., and she quit taking them. This woman also resumed eating her simple carb diet with sugars. The cancer returned, and she died.

What Dr. Bevacqua found was the Citriboost swished and gargled, and swallowed in the oral cavity, helped the head, mouth, throat, esophagus, down to the stomach, building the integrity of the mucusal tissue, while the Optiflora repopulated and balanced the flora in the colon, as it gets past the hydrochloric acid of the stomach. Dr. B said this Citriboost/Optiflora combo was wonderful for Candida symptoms of vertigo, thrush, itching or ringing ears, sinusitis and sore throats, and even was helpful for hiatal hernias, while the Optiflora built the immune system from the stomach down into the colon.

Current research is showing Candida is allowed to survive, or is protected or covered by heavy metals, making it difficult to get rid of it. Candida can evolve into the fungal form and travel almost anywhere in the body. It causes a host of problems, including depression and spacy thinking, and can interfere with the immune system, promoting cancer.

I listened to an RN who has a business of testing blood and urine for heavy metals concur with this. She said one source of poisoning was: many mattresses need to be covered or encapsulated to prevent gases and flame retardent chemicals that produce heavy metal poisoning from being absorbed into the skin and lungs, etc. Pre and post-testing have absolutely proven these problems and the solutions. Chelating or removal of heavy metals is an important step of treating Candida overgrowth, and this woman used Shaklee's Vitamin C-at least 4 a day, 2 in the AM, and 2 at night, Alfalfa which is full of microminerals and is called the Broom of the Colon, Herb Lax to remove toxins from the intestinal tract and body, and DTX to cleanse the liver.

Anyone interested in the Health talk from Sandra Bevacqua or the Registered Nurse with the blood testing/heavy metal poisoning removal business and information are welcome to contact me, and I will send you the links and passwords so you can listen or order the tapes.

You can also request my FREE Health Questionnaire that shows by symptom what a person is deficient in. A blood panel at your physician (hopefully you have a Naturopath you can trust) can also show these nutrient deficiencies. Without vitamins, minerals, protein and essential fatty acids, your body cannot function well, and breaks down with disease and illnesses. The immune system is made from about 90% protein.

I recommend Shaklee's Energizing soy protein, in plain, vanilla or cocoa, as it is a clean plant protein, is in consistent amounts, has been cold-water washed, with the harmful thyroid substance removed, not processed in aluminum vats to create toxins, or spray dried and heated to severe temperatures nor alcohol-washed, and never gets above room temperature. Shaklee also adds 50% calcium to their soy protein, as it is otherwise an acidic substance after processing. Soy milk is not high in Isoflavones.

Dr. B eats up to 100 grams of protein a day, half of which is soy. She corrected her LDL/HDL ratios from the 1-42? ratios to the norm of 1-2.4 to 1-4 in 2 weeks. Her Cardiologist told her she would have a fatal heart attack within the year, before turning 40 years old, with her 1-42 Cholesterol ratios, and her family history of heart attacks at that age. She had normal blood work in about 2 weeks with Shaklee's soy protein. That is what made her pay attention to Shaklee as a scientifically-sound 50+ year company with integrity, testing all their products for contaminants, and she fully recommends their products. No other products had helped her. Her cardiologist attributed God as bringing her LDL/HDL ratios into line, but her General Practice Doctor now refers her own patients to Dr. Sandra Bevacqua for health help with nutrition. Dr. B educates doctors and health professionals on nutrition all over the world.

To Order your Citriboost, Optiflora, Energizing Soy Protein or other safe nutrition and cleaning products, go to

You can also contact me for a FREE personal health and wellness questionnaire, instructions for a Gentle Colon Cleanse or links to health talks for your education, and those you care about.

My best, Pamela

Winter's Herbal Medicine Cabinet:
(Avail at Retail, Member or Distributor Pricing. All prices quoted are Member Pricing.)
1. Nutriferon: Taken daily to boost body's own production of interferon. $39/2 per day for a month's supply. Powerful protection...
2. Immunity I: One a day to protect from flu and allergies. 2 Month's supply per container. GREAT INSURANCE!!! $19.10
3. Defend and Resist: When you feel that first tickle....:Lozenges w/ Echinacea, Elderberry Extract, Larch and Zinc. Use up to 6 a day in a TEA, SWALLOW, or SUCK as a lozenge. 90 Tabs/$17.30
4. Sustained Release Natural Vitamin C: Not just cheap "Ascorbic Acid". Has all the bioflavonoids of lime, lemon, orange and grapefruit, w/ rose hips. 500 MG per tablet. $21.70 for 180 sustained release tabs/6 Months Supply. Available in Chewable for Children
Also available: Iron w/ C: $8.65 for 90 servings.
5. MultiVitamin/Mineral: Vita Lea with or without Iron, and Vita Lea Gold for those over 50 w/ extra vitamins and minerals for eyes, heart and brain. With or without Vitamin K for those on Coumadin. $10-13 a month for the Best Natural Multi there is!
6. Fish Oil: OMEGA GUARD by Shaklee is pure and uncontaminated, and has twice the amount of DHA and EPA of other brands. $25.95/90 gels
7. Citriboost: Pre and Probiotic for the head down to the stomach. Great for sinus infections, sore throats, Candida, itching or ringing ears, ear infections, thrush, fungal infections, hiatal hernias. One scoop a day in orange juice or fresh juice, etc. 30 day supply per container. Strengthens mucosal membranes and repopulates good flora. NO DRUGS=NO SIDE EFFECTS. YOU CAN'T AFFORD SIDE EFFECTS... $30.30 1 month's supply
8. Optiflora: Tiny Pearl packed with Probiotic GUARANTEED to get into the colon to balance flora and BOOST IMMUNE SYSTEM!!! No refrigeration needed. Use Citriboost for the Head down to the Stomach, and Optiflora for the Stomach to the Colon. 30 day supply per container/$19.10
9. Energizing Soy Protein-Plain, Vanilla or Cocoa. Immune System is made of 90% Protein! About $1 a serving of clean plant protein. Consistent, Safe, Delicious!


Friday, October 2, 2009

Fog on the Hills Today

This morning I walked a lap around the lake with a friend who brought two grandkids along. We usually go two laps. The boys found a centipede, lilly pads, fed ducks, reminisced about catching those 9 fish, mostly sunfish by the cement wall, checked out the swingset, looked for rabbits (who were hiding in the briers), and tagged along after their grandma. "Gampa" had already taken them for pancakes at Mario's. Only butter, for one young man when I asked about maple syrup or jam on those pancakes.

Bands of fog are settling in the hills around the lake from all the moisture and falling temperatures, and the Nehalem is picking up water after recent rains. Hopefully the level will be sufficient for Salmon to swim upriver to spawn. This weekend is the Salmon Festival, actually.

The day waits.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Ripples on the Lake. September 11th and more...

A few days ago I heard from some fellow lake walkers, that the Vernonia Lake Park Host, Bill Yeo saw a cougar down by the sewer ponds, on the trail going to Anderson park. Another walker friend had seen one between Rose and First Streets when he moved in several years ago. We are a pocket in the woods, here in Vernonia. Coyotes roam at night, rabbits hide in the briars, eagles and ospreys hunt on the lake. Deer frequent my back yard at times, and tonight on the way home from a trip to 'the valley' (Banks, Forest Grove, Cornelius, Hillsboro and Beaverton) I spotted two deer at the Museum on Bridge Street. They were pretty things. One was in the front yard, and another in the back. Where there are deer, there are usually predators.

This news made me a little leery about walking by myself. I have a new walking partner, and I'd much rather wait for company when going around the lake.

In other news, the gas prices are up around $3 a gallon, and the food prices are squeezing families all over this nation. There is a sense of dread and anxiety, especially as credit card debt grows, jobs are lost, pensions are cut or lost, and foreclosures grow. The haves and have nots are farther apart it seems. There are more predators than cougars in these parts. The petro dollar, greed of a few, and those hungry for world domination are ruining our country. Many Americans have been apathetic for a long time. Freedoms have to be treasured and valued, not taken for granted.

I watched a senior citizen on YouTube speak of the proposed healthcare plan. He said instead of knee and hip replacements, cancer and heart treatments, the elderly will instead be given 'death counseling'. He said "Shame on you", and reminded those that we have trusted to serve in government that he started working for 25 cents an hour, and was proud of what he did, and he started putting money into Social Security, which system has been looted, along with Medicare. He reminded the young and those in power that they are there, because of the elderly. They stand on the backs and shoulders of what he and others have worked for.

Here is the result of other research I have done lately. It is worth discussing:
There is free energy out there, that has been kept from mankind. We are about 100 years behind where we should be, according to Dr. Steven Greer, who is speaking all over the world, sharing his Disclosure Project, that we have had contact from other planets and our government has known for years. He trains thousands of people to communicate telepathically to Extra-terrestrials, and then tapes the 'visits'. Listen to him on YouTube. Put his name in the search box. There is an era of peace and evolution coming, that cannot be stopped. Not by secretive shadow governments, the Bilderbergs that have unlawfully and illegally met with our world leaders, including the Clintons and Obama, all buddies, all thinking they are protected, elite and apart from mankind. The plots and plans of martial law, fake induced bio-wars and pandemics with looming forced vaccines, Blackhawk and Northcom secret armies which we have financed unknowingly by the billions are all on record. WHO and UN plots to reduce the population to 500 million, mind control, television brainwashing, chemtrails dumping barium and other chemicals to thin a population that believe in a Race against Breast Cancer, and wearing pink ribbons, lab-created swine/avian flu strains, along with the HIV virus they already put into Hepatitis vaccines which were given to men in New York and Africa. September 11th was an inside job, and the proof of chemicals used to set the charges to bring the buildings down is documented, including building WTC#7 not hit by any plane, and announced by the BBC news about 20 min. before it actually happened. Criminals are bumblers, too. It's all there on the alternative news and internet and YouTube accounts. The problem has been many do not want to be bothered, or want to know. "Someone" will do something about it.

With a planned economic collapse, and an orchestrated need for martial law, a New World Order will be pushed on the peoples of the earth. Our government has been hijacked by the Federal Reserve and it's banker/Bilderberg cohorts, getting rid of any in their way, like John F. Kennedy. Once martial law is in force, no one will be allowed to leave the country except perhaps the privileged. On YouTube you can see actual footage that there are FEMA internment camps all over America, stacks of plastic multi-corpse coffins, cement rooms with gas lines to them, and the National Guard is being given job offers for internment camp work. You can see the actual job notices filmed on YouTube. Even weather can be orchestrated and used as a disaster weapon. I watched a Congressman read a bill for martial law under a list of circumstances, and most of it was "classified", with blurbs like "flesh-eating virus", etc.

What has happened to Americans, who like the frog in the pot of water, have reached a deadly degree of apathy and laziness? We have allowed our families and selves to be drugged by the Pharmaceutical pimps, who have created a symbiotic parasitical bond with our 'trusted' medical personnel. Trust is earned, not given. Rational trust has no place in what has transpired. Our food has been so processed and adulterated, irradiated, imported with DDT that was banned here, but sold for profit in other countries growing our fruits and vegetables, and even small-brained chickens refuse to eat the GMO grains offered them, but we have fed our children Aspartame in soft drinks and 99% of gum, and a huge list of foods, high fructose corn syrup, and other 'convenient' chemical cocktails to cause obesity, diabetes, and cancer.

I was at the dentist a while back, and the hygienist told me that there was flouride in the white fillings. She said she was for flouridating the water, so the level could be controlled. Some areas have too much flouride she said, and the children get flouridosis or flourosis that shows on their teeth. Who asked me if I wanted an industrial waste, a poison permanently placed in my mouth, to bleed into my body on a continual basis, for my immune system to fight? How is that 'controlled' exposure? The mercury in amalgams is bad enough. What is causing all the osteoporosis in this country? It seems to me, we run our own story of The Emperor's New Clothes. Even chicken farmers take the chlorine out of the water for their 'investment', so the poor birds live long enough without arteriosclerosis and other disease, to produce enough eggs for a profit.

Why are so many systems of our country dysfunctional? Where are our true leaders? I voted for Ron Paul, not some poor embarrassing thug like George Bush, or a young 'unknown' groomed Obama, whom I heard recently encouraging Americans to accept the 'findings' of 9-11. What is sad, is having a ballot without a third choice: NONE OF THE ABOVE. TRY AGAIN.

On this September 11th, I'm posting this to say we are in dire straits. Break the televisions, or use them only for selected DVD's and videos. Cancel the service. You are getting controlled news anyway, and do you really want your children to act like the characters creating our supposed social 'norms', or think taking the plethora of drugs pushed, is an American way of life? Do you know how many are on Coumadin? The right flu shot, and they can hemorrhage inside. Some of the side effects of this now well-used rat poison are blood clots, gangrene and cognitive decline. See:

Coumadin Side Effects Poll Results
Have you experienced side effects?
Yes, Severe 95%
Yes, Mild 5%
Yes, Minor 0%
No 1%

HRT causes blood clots. Garlic thins the blood, and fish oil makes the RBC's slippery so they don't stick together, and relaxes the blood vessel walls. No side effects. No body ever had a deficiency in Medications, but vitamins, minerals, protein, essential fatty acids and complex carbohydrates are another story... Medications deplete your nutrients and set you up for disease. We have become a 7-11 generation. We want instant gratification. Medical doctors have been enablers, and have profited with their 'scrips'.

Americans are the most constipated nation, with our diets of dairy and meat, which are full of saturated fats, hormones, antibiotics and no fiber.
Looking to normalize your cholesterol? Use Shaklee's Fiber Plan to pull out cholesterol, Herb Lax to get rid of toxins, and Soy Protein which will help normalize your LDL/HDL ratios and maintain blood sugar levels.

My uninvited, and unapologized-for suggestions:
Don't get toxic vaccines or allow your kids to get them. Get informed, and stop being lazy, riding on the backs of others, and contributing to the downfall of our entire nation. Exercise every day and get some dignity and oxygen back into your brains and bodies. Check out eating with whole foods, like recipes on Stop buying processed foods and fast foods, and spend time with family and neighbors. Get a little garden growing, even if it's in pots, or sprouting grains. Start reading in books and on the internet. Get a hobby. Learn a new language or take up dancing.

Don't be used to harm others by being ignorant. WE ARE MEANT TO BE A PROTECTOR TO OUR FELLOW HUMANS. NO CALLING IS HIGHER THAN THIS. LOOK AT A BABY'S FACE AND SEE YOUR OWN HEART. WE ARE BEINGS OF LOVE AND LIGHT. Think in ways of including others, and helping others, and making your life count. Make this world better because you have been here. Make it a more hopeful world. What we do impacts not only those around us, but our entire nation, planet and solar system. Absorbed consumerism is not happiness. Chemical and sexual addictions don't allow for joy. We need you to be AVAILABLE. People need you. Wake up America!

Postscript: We have lost a great humanitarian. Dr. Hulda Clark, a well-known scientist and researcher who unselfishly gave her life and intellectual property to others, has died. She showed many that parasites in human hosts wear down the immune system and can cause cancer. She also did work on AZO dyes, which were outlawed in the 50's, but still remain in various products including white caps for teeth, and hair dyes, and was searching for and creating natural hair dyes for women without the aluminum and other harmful metals and chemicals. She said aluminum was absorbed within seconds into the brain. Many are suffering and dying from Alzheimer's. She also tested over 3000 of her patients for about 70 parasites. She said she never met anyone with cancer who did not have parasites. She also said everyone with Diabetes, had the pancreatic fluke, or Eurytrema. Her simple remedy using 3 herbal ingredients: cloves, wormwood and green Black walnut hull in a tincture or freeze-dried, treated 100 different types of parasites, and was affordable for most of mankind. You can find it on for about $16.99 plus shipping. It's an 18 day cleanse. MMS is a good mop-up cleanse also, that is from another selfless individual, Jim Humble, who found that sodium chlorite when activated with citric acid, killed most blood-born pathogens. He has been instrumental in curing thousands of cases of malaria with two treatments. Malaria is caused by a parasite injected into the human body by a mosquito.
After killing parasites and pathogens, one must detox gently, and then build the immune system with food....supplements. With our diets, lifestyles of stress and lack of exercise, most people have some serious educating and cellular rebuilding to do.

About Dr. Hulda Clark. Died at 82 after 5 years of fighting a spinal cord injury. She will be missed.


Labels or Tags for this Post: Dr. Steven Greer, Disclosure Project, Blackhawk, Northcom, 9-11, bilderbergs, coumadin, Dr. Hulda Clark, flouride, foreclosure, freedom, gas prices, gmo, health care, mercury, parasites, petro dollars, Ron Paul, vaccines, Obama, Bush, Jim Humble

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Link: On Prostate Cancer, Placebos and Apathy

Good Morning to all.
This posting is a link to another blog of mine, discussing various political and health issues. I read a posting on the NotMilk Yahoo forum this morning, and it prompted me to give voice to some concerning subjects.

I'm late for my daily goal of a walk around the lake. I must fly.


See the August 26th posting...

My best,

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Green Parrots, Dogs and Cats

I recently joined Twitter, and find the 140 character limit very challenging. A friend of mine said with that short of an entry, he doubted something of value can be shared. Well, I'm up for the brevity challenge. I write novels.

My weekly observations of the lake:
I heard a different bird call as I rounded the last leg of the journey in a morning lake walk. I looked up in the purple plum tree to see a glimpse of a green bird flying up into its branches. There was a tropical parrot, very green and beautiful, with that tough kind of beak. I wished I had some critter food in my pocket, to coax it down. I had to run that morning, and so told Bill Yeo, the caretaker of the lake. He told me to let Larry's wife know. I told her, and she said Larry was gone, and had the phone. I had suggested they call into the city police, etc., as someone may have reported it missing. I don't know if the bald eagle and osprey like parrots for breakfast, but I do know the fellow was more visible and less streetwise than the ducking ducks.

There has been some controversy in the past with a local newspaper reporter walking his dogs at the lake without a leash. One in particular is rather unfriendly. Sometimes even a pet on leash ends up being out of control, so leashes are for safety and courtesy of other park patrons, wild animals and other leashed pets. We are up for a lawsuit for personal or pet injury, when the city-hired caretakers pass without saying anything to this fellow instead of consistently enforcing the rules. No one is entitled to overlook laws and rules of a public domain that are placed for the safety and peace of others. I hope this is taken care of. The City of Vernonia has already had its share of lawsuits.

A neighbor lady passed recently. She loved her cat. I saw it walking around outside the house, when the husband was apparently gone. I wondered if he had tired of taking care of it, or didn't want it in the house any longer. Perhaps it had just gotten out. It was a beautiful animal, with unusual circled markings on its sides. I went down to a garage sale on a walk yesterday, and saw this cat lying dead on the side of the road. It had been hit by some car. It made me sad for the lady who had loved her cat, who was no longer here to protect it. With the economy tanking for so many, pets are at risk for bad treatment, or abandonment.

For me, after raising 7 children by myself, my plants are fortunate to be watered and cared for every week. I believe there is a stewardship for what we choose to own. A friend of mine told me of a non-toxic way to clean pets and kill the fleas and flea eggs that lodge on them. She puts drops of Basic H on a dog or cat's neck area, and gently creates suds to thoroughly bathe them while they are wet from a rinse. She then rinses them well, and watches the fleas float dead in the water. The corn and coconut surfactants in Basic H makes water wetter, and drowns them. Here's a link to look at Basic H and its many uses. It comes with the Get Clean Kit, listed as Oprah's favorite for non-toxic, environmentally friendly green cleaners. If you can replace toxic cleaners with biodegradable green cleaners that cost much less, do as good or better job as the poisonous ones, would you be interested? I've switched, and no longer worry when my hands are in a cleaner that my skin is absorbing.

The $149 Get Clean kit (one of Oprah's favorites) replaces $3400 worth of product. The only product not costing less, is the Basic Laundry liquid, made of corn and coconut surfactants, that cleans your plumbing pipes instead of clogging them and isn't dumping phosphates in our already compromised waterways. I use 1 oz. or 2T. in my laundry loads. It's also a spotter and handwashables laundry detergent. Shaklee also has powdered laundry detergent, good for your clothes, machines and the environment.

Keep 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills.
Eliminate 248 pounds of greenhouse gas.

Here's a quick link:⊂_cat=GetCleanStarterKit

I visited the Audubon Society in Portland, at the end of Cornell, and watched them cleaning the cages with Dawn Dish Detergent, and one of the caregivers said they disinfect with Clorox. I told her there is only 6% of Sodium Hypochlorite in most Chlorine products anymore, and there is lye in them, which is not good for animals who get that on their paws, feet, etc. and then groom themselves. I need to get back there and offer them a better alternative, in Shaklee products. Basic G is a cleaner, germicidal and disinfectant that costs 97 cents a gallon. You put less than 1/2tsp. (3/8 tsp) in a pint bottle of water. The effects last for about 3 days, instead of a matter of a few hours with bleach, without the lye. Here's the link for a qt. of Basic G. Be sure to get the Basic G pint sprayer. It's not a fine spray, as Shaklee doesn't want people breathing in the mist. This is the only product in the cleaning arsenal not considered totally 'green', as it takes a year for all of this product to biodegrade. I've used it to clean, disinfect and deodorize spots on carpets. I love it.

Call me for the Basic G qt. and spray bottle. It got left off the new website.
Pamela 503-429-0240 or: CALL Shaklee at 1-800-SHAKLEE and give them # WB06068.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer Lake Commentary. Recipes.

Instead of my weekly blog, I'm averaging once a month. This summer is very full of 'to do's'. I bottled some pie cherries with one of my sweet daughters who loves my cherry pie. I'll post a pic. I'm also posting the picture of my raised bed gardens and pea trellis that overlook the lake.

The lake looks kind of sad and green. It needs a major overhaul, with a water inlet and outlet and a draining and dredging. The logs left in have natural turpentine I heard, which doesn't make for a healthy environment. The leaking into the Nehalem also needs to be fixed at some point, in my opinion. The cattails have come back from the heavy winter snows, though we lost chunks of them when the city cleaned them out one year in preparation for the KUPL Fishing Derby, during red-winged blackbird nesting season. In the heat, less people use the trail, but in the evenings and early mornings, the die-hards and committed, still exercise.

I have noticed spraying of herbicide near the lake, even during nesting season, and with the rains we got, I can guess what went into the water. It also concerns me that people fish there, and many probably eat them. The locals have debated on whether or not the planted fish have time to absorb the particular impurities. I've heard fishermen comment about a bad taste. The water is too warm, say some experienced fishermen, and if people are not supposed to swim, where is the sign to say why not? I wrote a newspaper letter to the Independent last year or so, about better lake management. I would like the Parks Dept. or some such tax-supported agency to test the water, and post the results, for user information.

It seems we had a bumper crop of red-winged blackbirds. They have been coming to my bird feeders, along with scrub jays, sparrows, gold finches, etc. I put out fresh water in the bird bath each day, and love to watch busy parents drinking and splashing. A woodpecker has been visiting my poor old plum trees, seeking insects, I suppose. Deer are visiting my yard, and have been stripping the cherry tree leaves and nibbling on blueberry bushes. Today I'm covering some of the trees with netting. I've heard a debate on how high a fence would have to be to keep the jumpers out. The velvet-horned buck was really beautiful, and the two babies were cute, but gardens are a lot of work to supply nature, when they have fields to eat from.

Here are a couple of recipes, and a link to recipes for using greens from your gardens. I planted spinach, red chard, kale and spinach mustard, which did really well. I made some greens tacos this week that were fantastic! I've also created a new pie that I call my 4th of July Jubilee Pie. Some say it's the best pie they have ever....eaten. I enjoy cooking and eating!

Here's a Guacamole recipe:
Mash 2 ripe avocados. Add 1/4 c. finely chopped onions, 1 T. diced tomato, 2T. snipped cilantro, 2t. jalapeno without seeds, 1/2 t. salt, 1T. lime juice. Serve w/ tortilla chips, or as a garnish for enchiladas, etc.

Fresh Salsa: I can't find my old recipe. This one is pretty well the same. I would change the peppers to less and seed them, and the lime juice to taste. I don't peel or seed my tomatoes, either. You can use Walla Walla sweet onions instead of the hot ones, if you want. I don't pour the boiling water over the garlic and onion, either. You can try it both ways. I think the lime juice cooks and marinates well enough.
A delicious salsa recipe made with fresh ingredients.

3 tablespoons finely chopped onion
2 small cloves garlic, minced
3 large ripe tomatoes, peeled and seeds removed, chopped
2 hot chile peppers, Serrano or Jalapeno, finely chopped
2 to 3 tablespoons minced cilantro
1 1/2 to 2 tablespoons lime juice
salt and pepper

Put chopped onion and garlic in a strainer; pour 2 cups boiling water over them then let drain throughly. Discard water. Cool.
Combine onions and garlic with chopped tomatoes, peppers, cilantro, lime juice, salt, and pepper. Refrigerate for 2 to 4 hours to blend flavors.
Makes about 2 cups of salsa.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Drive to the Oregon Coast

A friend and I drove to Tillamook to donate an old WWII B-17 Generator to the Air Museum. The day was cloudy, but warm. It's always good for me to get away from the norm at home and gain perspective on a drive. The coast always lends itself to generous views, a variety of eating delights and an influx of energy from Doug fir forests, rivers, elk, deer, chipmunks, sky and fresh ocean air.

After taking care of the business end of the trip, we toured the Air Museum, watching the short movie about the building of two blimp hangers, observing the many WWII artifacts, planes with painted women, teeth or titles, and a myriad of fascinating historical pictures, etc. We even ordered the Cheeseburger and some onion rings, to see what they meant by Tillamooks Best Cheeseburger, and get into the 40's spirit of the cafe. What once was so yummy, sort of hits my stomach like the grease bomb it really is. Since we split the cheeseburger and rings, there was plenty of room for sampling the cheese curd and various cheeses at the Tillamook Cheese Factory. My friend had not seen either the Air Museum or the Cheese Factory, so we went on the self-guided tour at the Cheese Factory, complete with seeing the dairy film, watching the giant stainless vats produce curds and whey, and 42 lb. blocks of cheese. I bought some curd, the Smoky and Jalapeno Cheese Spread, avoided the fudge, and had a peanut butter chocolate waffle ice cream cone.

While at the Air Museum we went for a walk and found an old Catholic cemetery. Once again, I was reminded of how many have come and gone, and how I often take a day for granted. I took several pictures of the old gravestones, and a vibrant fuschia.

There are also old train cars, and a very old wood-burning? engine at the Air Museum. The train cars reminded me of how fun it would be to make a breakfast cafe from one of them.

In Wheeler, I showed my friend the Wheeler Hotel, so he could have someplace special to take a partner someday. It was in Wheeler that the little tyke in the picture above got out of the car, seemingly half asleep and a bit weepy. What a dolly.

I've been away for a while from posting. I have to read my past posts to know what I have promised to write about. There is so much. Last summer I was gone to Austin, Houston and New Orleans, and I have much to catch up on here at home, above the lake.

The Oregon strawberries off Helvetia exit this year are wonderful. I picked Shukstans, for $1 a lb. 30# later, I put up a couple of batches of freezer jam, several bags of frozen berries for smoothies, two strawberry pies (one for a daughter's birthday June 23rd), and several batches of strawberry shortcake. There is nothing like an Oregon strawberry. Now I'm waiting for the blueberries and blackberries to come off. There is a pie cherry tree I have my eye on, also. I haven't canned them or made pie cherry jam in too long. Now you see with balancing remodeling and fruit and yard work, how I can be diverted from posting. I'm also building my own natural nutrition company, and I often share my favorite berry protein smoothies, or cocoa almond (or peanut butter) frosties made with rice milk, healthy soy protein, ice cubes, etc. I put 1 tsp. of fiber in mine...

My best,

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spring Salad Recipe

This easy colorful Spring Salad is made from raw veggies and a can of pitted black olives, with a homemade dressing. Dr. Mercola shared it some time ago, and since I promised to share it with you, here it is:

1 pint organic cherry tomatoes (washed)
2 cups black, pitted olives-1 can
1 cup organic green beans, chopped large after washing
(I was surprised how good fresh green beans were, eaten raw. Another favorite of mine is sugar snap peas, which I wash, destring and put on a veggie plate to serve with hummus.)
DRESSING: (The best bit!)
Approx 1/2 cup olive oil
1 garlic clove, crushed or chopped
About 1 tablespoon chopped fresh oregano
(I've also used fresh or dried basil in the salad, or a bit of dried leaf oregano)
1 squeeze of lemon juice
(You can use lime instead if you'd like)
Sprig of fresh mint or oregano
Place tomatoes, olives, and green beans in medium bowl.
Place olive oil, garlic oregano, and lemon juice in small bottle and shake.
Pour dressing over salad and toss well.
Garnish with sprig of fresh mint or oregano.
The aroma is divine; the taste is even better! What a quick, easy recipe for guests. Of course the recipe can be doubled, or even tripled, for larger crowds.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

River Otters, Tabouleh and Easter Cooking

A river otter swam with a piece of dried grass in its mouth the other day. It seems they are busy building homes for their young. I caught a picture of one of them, and will post it here.

The cattails were cut down in big swaths a couple of years ago, and with the heavy snows of winter this year, and more filling of the lake, there are not many areas for the nesting of blackbirds. Hopefully as the cattails come up from beneath the lake in green shoots, along with lily pads, etc., there will be a more welcome habitat for nesting in a few weeks. There was a skiff of snow and ice here last night, so spring is still in process.

Someone I know needs to drink water and tea and a protein drink before taking a walk. Business has come before self care again, which is a habit waiting to be broken. I have a fridge full of good leftovers from the Easter weekend. Ham was 99 cents a pound for a Cooks brand butt portion that will add that rich flavor to beans and soups and scrambled eggs in the future. I made a new salad which I will share below. It's from a book on balancing pH, with some changes of my own.

I'll have to also add the Applesauce Oatmeal Cranberry Walnut Muffins were very good, but being out of applesauce, I pureed some canned pears and these really turned out to be delicious. They are sweeter and lighter than the applesauce version. Eating one muffin is like eating 1/2 a bowl of oatmeal. I once left out the 1/2 c. of brown sugar in the recipe, and they were still fine. I like these with butter and real unadulterated blackberry honey. See recipe on my other blog at:

I'll share the greenbean/tomato/garlic/olive salad I love so much, soon.

My blogs will be like me: an eclectic and genuine mixture of the full menu of life.

2 c. cooked quinoa (Can use couscous if you'd like. Quinoa was great, also. I cooked 1 c. of this grain in 2 c. of boiling water, reduced to lowest heat and covered, for 20 min., like cooking rice.
Use 2 c. of this cooked grain. Cool a bit after cooking
Add: 1 c. chopped tomatoes or halved cherry tomatoes
1 bunch finely chopped parsley
Chopped chives or green onions to your liking for color and flavor
1 can of olives-size of can depends on how much you love them, sliced or whole
1/2 tsp. sea salt
Juice of 1 lime (recipe called for juice of 3 lemons. Too much acidity for me, though lemons turn alkalaine in the body, so they're good to add to the water you drink.)
2 T. extra virgin olive oil
Sprinkle with Cayenne Pepper.
Refrigerate and enjoy! Some recipes use bulgar wheat and mint leaves, w/ dried parsley. *Experiment with wholesome foods that steer away from bleached flour products, white rice and potatoes for lower acid and blood sugar spiking.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Eggstra, Eggstra...Read All About It

The subject matter on the last post was serious, and needed to be aired. This post is much lighter, and hopefully will move us into Spring.

On a walk with my middle daughter, Steph, we stopped to inquire about a sign for fresh eggs for sale the day or so before, at a house where the owners wheel the portable chicken pen around the yard. The hens are very healthy looking, and I love fresh eggs, so I brought some egg cartons along, thinking that regardless of the supply, the chicken owners would appreciate some of them.
A man answered the door and said he had eggs, and no they don't need any of the cartons. They used to have over a hundred of them, but they don't use them anymore. I was curious. I'd like a dozen eggs, I said.

He came back to the door with a yellow knitted drawstring bag that held a dozen brown eggs, 6 on the bottom, and 6 on top of another layer of knitted material. They didn't want a deposit for the cute egg carrier, and I walked away incredulous at how adorable this egg carrier was. I decided to share the picture, so you could enjoy it, also.

My nutrition and wellness business is called Lean Green Cafe. People ask me if I have a real cafe. The answer is, it's the name of my business. Lean is for the healthy weight products, protein and meal replacements for every age. Green is for a company with a conscience, who started making green, organic, safe products over 50 years ago before it was popular or seen as important by many others. Cafe is for the menu of products I offer, as a Shaklee Independent Distributor. To order cleaning products from coconut and corn surfactants that are less expensive and work as well or better, etc., or skin care that heals and is safe to absorb, or supplements known for their purity, performance and potency as they get into the blood stream fast, call me at 503-429-0240. Or you can order at

As for the Cafe from my kitchen, use and share these products with two others, and I'll cook you the best meal you've had in a long time. I'll be sure to use the fresh eggs. Call me for a sample of my favorite berry smoothie, or an almond butter/cocoa protein shake, or an orange juice/Physique iced drink for the Weekend Warrior days, when you don't have time to nurse sore muscles. It has a unique blend of carbs and protein for sports nutrition. Mowing the lawn is around the corner....
My best,

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pharmaceutical Euthanasia

With the approaching number of baby boomers reaching old age, I got to witness in my father's treatment what is in store for us if the pharmaceutical/government bonds are not challenged or changed. A Social Director of the Columbia Care Center in little Scappoose, Oregon reported to me with enthusiasm, that she attended a meeting in which a representative from John Hopkins presented to care center, medical and social service personnel information claiming to be able to diagnose Alzheimer's early, and offering 3-4 medications "titrated up" to the highest possible level to keep folks out of care centers for a year or two. The down side of course was they would toxify and die much sooner, but 'quality' life (?) and staying at home was the sales pitch.

During the fight to protect my father, a nurse from an Adult Fostercare home related to me that she got in trouble with the Hospice care people for not wanting to drug people to their deaths as they were dying. Drug amounts are not reduced, even when the person can't take in fluids or enough fluids, creating profound drug effects and hastening the process already in place, of basic Pharmaceutical Euthanasia. This woman quickly withdrew from wanting to talk to me further, as she was afraid if she spoke up her State Fostercare license would not be renewed, and that of course was her living.

You are outspoken? So am I. Below is the account of my father in short. I hope you will have some feedback for me, and share this with others. This goes far beyond me or my father, as you will realize.
My father had vascular dementia. In reality, he had short term memory loss from a stroke and small strokes called TIA's. The term dementia became the lens he was seen with. There are 5-6 kinds of dementia, and everyone is unique in how they are affected. Here I wrote a paper in my Social Work Graduate School on the problems of Labeling, and had I not had to take a reprieve from watching over my father full-time because of cancer, he would have remained safe and sound in my home. He also lost his primary care doctor who took a leave of absence for pregnancy. The way he was seen and treated, and the depersonalization and justification for drugging demonstrate how labels and stereotyping are not in our best interest. What happened was criminal.
Obituary and Account of my father's death by Pamela Cohen.
December 29, 2008
Alvin Marc Cowden, born April 18, 1922, passed around 3 AM December 11, 2008 at age 86. He had another (10th?) case of aspiration pneumonia, caused by Seroquel, an anti-psychotic (per manufacturer warnings). He also experienced seizures and strokes with Seroqel, as he was put on and off of it without a chance to stabilize. Since he had a previous seizure and stroke when put on Seroquel years earlier, he should have never been put on it at all. He was given a dangerous newer antibiotic called Levaquin for this last case of pneumonia, without the permission of his authorized medical representative on the POLST which are the last orders for the Physician. Pamela, as his daughter had the responsibility of being her father's Power of Attorney. There were two POA's, as when convenient, or while breaking Oregon Statutes, agencies would disregard the first one. The second was more specific, and extended. Both were Durable, recorded POA's. No staff would even tell me what antibiotic he had been given until he was dying, the day or so before.

See important info on Levaquin:

Dr. Barney Saunders of the 35B Medical Ward had never designated my father as Hospice though he was on the "failing list", and called my cell phone to discuss whether I wanted my dad to have more liquids via IV when he wasn't getting enough. He didn't call my main home number, or both, per medical record instructions, and when I got the message almost two days later, he never returned my call to the nurses desk (Melissa) or his voice mail. When I called to speak to my dad on Tuesday, Dr. Saunders got on the phone and said he certainly wanted to respect my father's wishes and my wishes. I said that if I felt respected, Dr. Chen would have called me to ask permission to give my father the antibiotic. Silence. Then he said I guess you have spoken to staff about the decision whether to hydrate your father. I said, "What staff would that be?" Silence. From my return call to Dr. Saunders Thursday until Tuesday is inappropriate to discuss last minute decisions. I had come to expect unprofessional behavior from this hospital after a plethora of it. I have had to blunt my human emotions for some time.
With the Levaquin added to the other medications, my father became unable to drink enough liquid, which quickly worked to toxify his body further with the 25 medications he was on. Without enough liquid, the medications not only can shut the kidneys down, but they can perforate the stomach and cause sepsis as the stomach contents leak into the body cavity. My father became 'unresponsive' after writhing in pain and being put on morphine, after which the 25 medications could no longer be administered. The severe withdrawal finally created his death. My father was "processed". As the heart can no longer keep up under this abuse, the lungs fill up with fluid, and my father died of drowning in his fluid as his heart labored to keep up with the struggle to breathe. Two fluorescent lights glared above as he labored to breathe, eyes open, mouth open. The oxygen was turned on at the highest level.
When I got to the Oregon State Hospital Dec. 10th, Wednesday afternoon around 2:30 pm, and sat with my father, a young staff came in to put a blood pressure cuff on my elderly father's arm. She was pumping it up to over 220, and I asked her if that was necessary. My father was dying. Why did he need to be in more pain? She said no, you don't want me to take his blood pressure? No, I said. She left, but right after that, a crew of 2-3 people came in to do 'Cares' which meant turning him from one side to another, and checking him, and giving him an injection of morphine-(had to ask what it was.) They didn't ask me if it was all right, or tell me what they were giving him. I don't know that they are licensed to administer Hospice care.
One young man had no identification, and when I asked him where it was, he said he didn't always wear it. I looked at him and couldn't help saying, "You're special". The rules don't apply to him. His name was Chris, one of the nurses there who had told me my father was sleeping, and hung up on me once when I called to speak to my dad, and referred to me as Mrs. Castro on another occasion. Perhaps he didn't want me to know his last name fearing I was going to file a complaint with his nursing Board. His hostility was yet another roadblock I dealt with while trying in vain to get my father either to another care facility, or home. The St. Benedictine Care Center receptionist, Mary said there was not anything they could do, as the State would not let my father go. (A Guardianship hearing had been filed by the OSH on the pretense that I was a hindrance to my father being placed in the community). Emily Daisy, the Administrator of the Providence Care Center never would call me back, though she said she would, and I came by personally, to Mt. Angel, and kept calling. Mt. Angel would be a transition for my father to come home, so he could die there, with the only family he had. What disturbed me, was hearing that their Nurse Practitioner's medication orders had never been challenged or changed. I asked Emily Daisy in an earlier conversation if signing a parent into their institution meant giving up any and all oversight in their medical care. That sounded like blackmail, to take care of patients for their convenience, as some of my previous experience with rest homes had shown. There had to be a balance in what was best for the patient, the center, and acknowledgment that the wishes and particular medical history was usually best known by an elderly person's family or medical representative. Not all of us will turn our heads when an elderly parent is overmedicated, for example, for profit margins to be kept so teenage CNA's can light-staff a care center. Too many of America's elderly have been depersonalized and disenfranchised.
The OSH 35-B medical floor staff had been instructed by Nancy Johnson's "guidance" as the Nursing Supervisor, to put me on hold when I called to speak to my father during his last days and weeks of life, come back several minutes later and tell me he was sleeping, and not give me any information about my father. This only changed at the last when they seemed to feel sorry that my dad was actually dying. One of their staff, told me if this were her father, she would feel furious. She was crying. I always wonder what else she could have told me.
Through the mini-blinds, as they weren't pulled down completely on the left side, I witnessed these people putting the blood pressure cuff on my father, regardless of my instructions and request. One of the staff looked at me when she came out of the room-as I was asked to leave for my 'father's privacy'- and said they had to take the blood pressure when giving certain medications. They did this every time they did his 'Cares' while I was there until 11 pm, about every 30-60 min.
When I left during my father's dying process briefly to get something to eat, I got a cell phone message from Michael ___ an Assistant Atty. General from the Oregon Dept. of Justice who had called around 6pm to tell me he was filing a Temporary Guardianship petition at 9am the next morning at a court in Salem. I'm sure this lack of notification is also inappropriate and unethical. My father seemed to be calmer around 11 pm, and the witness I always had to bring with me to that hospital, was tired, his dog unfed, so I left to return the next morning. I got home at 2am. Pat, a nurse from the OSH called around 3am telling me my father was gone.
That morning I heard from my father's appointed Disability Rights Oregon attorney, Jan Friedman, that the basis for this final Temporary Guardianship insult was since my father's death was imminent, the hospital was filing to appoint a private Guardian to make the end of life decisions. (I suspect it was a final grasping to collect the Social Security I finally withheld, after OSH harmed my father and held him without due process and civil rights.) She asked if I had an attorney for the February Guardianship hearing, because if I did, she couldn't talk to me. I told her I was appearing Sui Juris, but my father was dead. He had done his 'job', and died at 3 AM, before these horrors could further insult his human and civil rights. This was when I told Ms. Friedman that when I got her letter stating that my father's Power of Attorneys were "my" Power of Attorneys, (and she wasn't interested in defending my father's representation as legitimate because the Oregon State Hospital had dismissed them as 'invalid') I lost all respect for her, and didn't want to speak to her any more. "I'm sorry, I said. I have to go."
Two pharmacists identified malpractice in sudden withdrawal of Seroquel which causes psychotic breaks, seizures and strokes for my father, and contraindications of at least 4 of the 25 medications he was on. Another biochemist/Nutritionist doctor (Appointment pictured above with OSH 'guards') said there would have to be a computer stronger than NASA's to determine the polypharmacy effects of all the medications with each other, much less within the body. I have the lab results which are horrific. The day I got my dad transported to get a nutritional status and blood work, the two Oregon State Hospital staff refused to allow my father and I medical privacy rights, saying they were responsible for him, and would attend the entire time. The Doctor came out into the waiting room to do a consultation and then the blood draw, while the two 'guards' took notes.
In the last 'Treatment 'Team' Meeting' I attended, Dr. Barney Saunders didn't want to have my notes from the Pharmacist consultations. When I told him the pharmacists suggested getting a geriatric pharmacist as a consultant Dr. Saunders said, "That would be too much time for one person."
My father would call out in pain, "Wow", because the medications were creating high blood pressure and joint pain, etc., and was just medicated further, as if he was mentally ill. I had to point out that when his veins are standing up, and he is holding his head, saying "Wow", his head hurt from the high blood pressure and migraine-like headaches from past vascular incidents.I had saved my father from death by this treatment before, and have two videos chronicling his complete recovery. Doing 'all you can' is just not relevant if you love your parent.
When I succeeded in getting my father off Seroquel, he looked at an interim doctor and refused his medications, saying, "You're poisoning me". (Which they were.) This doctor immediately decided that my father was psychotic, and therefore must be put back on Seroquel. To do so, there was a quick court hearing in which I was not notified, until an appointed attorney who had no time to look at his records or gather needed information called me while I was at a Texas gas station. (A daughter needed her mother, so I left Oregon to help her.) My father was put on and off Seroquel, without proper care to stabilize him and allow him withdrawal time. The OSH did not have the facilities to do that, much like not having enough staff (3 for 29 patients with high care needs) to toilet my dad, thus drugging him into European diapers so he could lay in his urine and feces until morning. He was drugged so he couldn't talk and request toileting.
When my father was dying, the young man without ID, Chris, said my father was just dying of his "disease process". How convenient. My father had short term memory damage from strokes, and in 12 years, never forgot who I was, or was unable to carry a conversation except for his drugging. All along I was attacked as some enemy when I tried to advocate for care, pain management or prevent malpractice and harm to my father. Roy Orr, the OSH Administrator refused to make an appt. to speak to me, or call me. After allowing me copies of my father's medical records after much blocking, the hospital took the position that my father's POA's were invalid. They never allowed my father representation by me or an attorney every 6 months when they would walk up to him and casually ask if he had any problem in being committed further. He was disabled on psychiatric drugs. Even though this is highly unethical and illegal, when I stopped paying my dad's $430 Social Security for him to be abused further, they are badgering me for that money withheld. I needed it for legal help and medical second opinions, as lawyers don't pay for expert witnesses and filing fees, etc. I am still seeking help. It will probably be a Jewish attorney.
My father and I suffered together for over 2 years in this process, and an additional year of previous abuses from the Columbia Care Center, and especially Oregon Health Sciences University. The 6 mg.'s of Ativan administered to my dad when admitted to OHSU disappeared from his medical record. Because I objected to this abuse, I was attacked and not allowed to visit my father. In the drugging down of this human being, like an animal, why would family be allowed to see the horror as they would want to protect their loved one. The state DHS Senior and Disabled Services had denounced my POA as invalid and refused to allow my father's care at my home for 'relative foster care', at 96 cents an hour pretax. OSH charged the taxpayer $20,000 per month. They don't want their cash kingdom disturbed.
When I first saw my dad in the Oregon State Hospital 34-D Geriatric ward, where he was housed with sex offenders, he wept and begged me to take him home with me. Instead of "Wow", his last phone conversation with me was him repeating, "Why?" I hope he knows the answer now.
This is a small part of the abuse of my elderly father. I don't know who cares in this world anymore, but I will make this accounting.

Labels: elder abuse, pharmaceutical euthanasia, OHSU, OSH, Oregon State Hospital, Disability Rights Oregon, St. Benedictine Care Center at Mt. Angel, Oregon, levaquin, Dr. Barney Saunders, alzheimers, adult fostercare, John Hopkins University

Saturday, March 7, 2009

No Pruning Today

I spoke to a daughter in Austin today. It's 80 degrees there. We were getting those large white snowflakes dusting the ground, in Vernonia. Another daughter and I walked around the lake tonight in the lightly falling snow. She was delighted to see two pairs of River Otters swimming. I want her to walk in the morning with me, and see the 3 bald eagles that come to fish there.

I see they are filling the lake. It leaks into the Nehalem River which necessitates filling it back up. It's best to fill the lake before the Red-winged Blackbirds begin their nesting, as they build their nests a certain distance from the water. Filling the lake after nests are built among the bullrushes means possible drowning of nests, eggs and young. Nature here requires consideration and a fine balance.

I'm waiting for the Blue House Cafe to reopen in their downtown location. The owners are hardworking, pay attention to detail in environment and food presentation, and serve wonderful healthy plates of Mediterranean fare. You'll want to try the beef and lamb gyro plate or the chicken gyro plate with pomegranate sauce. Salads, pastries and rich coffee wait to greet you sometime soon. The Black Bear Cafe is boasting a beautiful antique woodstove in their alcoholic beverage addition area. Dana, the owner, has always taken pride in decorating his place with artistic talent. Across the street is Cafe 47, where Bill barbecues and lends savory smells to Vernonia's quaint downtown area.

Daylight Savings time heralds change, as do blooming primroses and daffodils. City crews were out in force today sweeping winter's gravel off the sidewalks. Pruning will have to wait now until Wednesday or Thursday for me. That doesn't hurt my feelings.

My best, Pamela

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Spring is around the corner. Today looks gray and cloudy, and the fish aren't biting at the lake says one fisherman. "It's too cold." I passed a father and son rollerskating around the lake path, met a friend and walked a lap, and now will brew a cup of tea and hopefully get some filing done.

Here is a poem shared by a friend from Vernonia. A couple of days ago, he called to say he had the respiratory mess that everyone was getting in town. Did I have anything I could recommend? I have my own personal 'magic bullet' for knocking a flu or sinus infection. I told him to come over and I'd give him something from my own cupboards. Two timed release natural Vitamin C, two 1-Gram capsules of Garlic with Spearmint oil and Rosemary extract and one of Shaklee's Nutriferon which stimulate the body's own interferon production. I told him to take one dose in the morning, and one at night. For good measure, I gave him 6 Defend and Resist w/ Echinacea Purpurea, Zinc, Black Elderberry and Larch Tree extracts to take 2 at a time during the day in a tea, swallowed or sucked on like a lozenge. I delivered two more of my combos that night, as I was short a vitamin C and had to borrow one from a friend of mine. The next day he called and the congestion and sore throat was much better. Ahh. Relief. Give the body what it needs to heal itself is my personal belief.

Below is a poem he shared with me.

"They say the world is round and yet
I often think it square
So many little hurts we get
From corners here and there.
But one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west,
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know
We please the fleeting guest
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best."

Author Unknown

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Below is a poem by one of Vernonia's talented citizens. It is entitled....

Success by KPF '61

Success Success
What a beautiful word
Sadly the meaning
to many is blurred.
Many think of success
as fortune and fame.
They're missing so much
like a bird that is lame.

Each day of your life
success can be found
Just open your eyes
take a good look around.
The first step of a child
the robin that sings
Learn to know success
in everyday things.

Success is never bestowed
upon you
Each measure is earned
this you will find true.
A job well done
satisfaction you sense
This is success
without dollars and cents.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Internet Connection Problems...

I realize I've been gone for 10 days, as my last post was the 7th. Since Friday, my Verizon internet has been out. Some faxed order to disconnect my service was made when I called after my phone/internet bill doubled. A manager was not willing to honor the 'bundling' offer I had signed up for, saying they didn't have the offer any longer, and I went round and round. The rationale used was if I wouldn't have signed up for the Freedom Basic, Essential, Bare Essential, or other company sign language plan without my phone services of voice mail, call waiting and Caller ID to try the new higher speed internet for the same amount I was paying, then they would just put me back on the original plan, that was now much more expensive. In not honoring their flyer, rep's representation and lack of recording the new 'plan', I used up a good part of one morning, and racked up several hours on the phone. I was to have no internet until tomorrow night after 6, so I'm glad another error apparantly occurred. Ah the travails...

I enjoyed pruning the pear tree out front yesterday. I'm getting quite a burn pile. I want to make a fire pit so I can have an occasional marshmallow roast or conversation pit, overlooking the lake at night. I have a lot of overgrown miniature green plum trees. I hate to severely prune and take them out, but the fermenting fruit each year, loaded with yellow jackets to walk through when taking the compost out, is just too much. I wish I had my fruit dryer, but the electricity here, provided by West Oregon Electric, charges the second highest rates in the nation.

Vernonia has a very short growing season because of late and early frosts. We are the 'pocket in the woods'. This year I want to make some raised beds, and get the greenhouse fixed up. The old mill windows are used in two sides of the greenhouse, but around 6 need replacing. The roof is dismally built, also, and needs repair. It has to wait its turn. It is picturesque, having an old Western type of board front. The old panel door has peeling paint that I treasure as an art form. A single red rose bush grows to the right of the door. I need to plant the Spanish lavender on the other side. I grew a bunch of baby trees. Every spring there's a sale at the old Hi School Pharmacy in St. Helens. Maybe I should get there again this year. I want to see about some Dogwoods again, and maybe some more Deodara Cedars. The gingko was planted by the old Maple stump, over some kind of buried garbage pit. The more I dug, the stranger it was. The little pine has overgrown its pot long ago. I tried to give it away, even to the city for the park, but it hasn't happened yet. So many loose ends.

As a person gets comfortable in their new surroundings, seasonal plantings and trees and gardens can be put in. I love tulips, hyacinths and daffodils. Spring is just over the hill. The primroses are already pushing blooms. We are a bit later than the Hillsboro, Beaverton or Portland areas. My Australian Mint Bush bit the dust the year I moved here. I really miss running my cupped hand up a stem and smelling all the lovely mint. Moving from a 2.38 acre 3 story family house to this little cottage has been a whole new experience in overwhelm, and things are not done fast enough. Sometimes it's like watching myself fail in slow motion. I have learned acceptance, and made a plant funeral home. I love creating with plants and flowers. Perhaps I'll get the berm in before I pull up my roots, lined with low-growing lavender, with a droopy cedar tree for the focal point. I'd like to make a bird village. The snow and black ice really grounded me this year. I think I'll be looking for a roommate, so I can be in warmer climates next winter.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Offerings of Vernonia Lake

Today I walked around the path at Vernonia Lake, met one of the past City Council members walking her sweet old Airedale, and walked around with her, a second time. We both commented how different the lake looks each time we come. There is always some new discovery, a different mood or color scheme. The weather and time of day and wildlife offer a new palette many times within the same day. There is something serene in a reflection of sky in water. The old mill cement remnants are caught in some of the photos. I'll try to get them all in with future blog entries.

A flock of slender-necked geese headed skyward from the lake, honking loudly. A little boy was fishing. Two couples sat near some picnic benches talking. One couple came on a Harley, though the air is still chilly, especially when the sun starts going down. The moon was up as I made the last lap, and the reflection in the water reminded me of the many night scenes. Sometimes the bald eagle pair fly with new young. Ospreys share the hunting ground with the eagle. Ducks swim nervously in a huddle when these birds of prey arrive.

Today the black Coots swam in their neighborhood, wild ducks noisily negotiated in another while the larger domestic ducks swam off when I approached the grassy banks, sending familiar ripples outward. I took several pictures, and will include some of them.