Saturday, February 28, 2009


Spring is around the corner. Today looks gray and cloudy, and the fish aren't biting at the lake says one fisherman. "It's too cold." I passed a father and son rollerskating around the lake path, met a friend and walked a lap, and now will brew a cup of tea and hopefully get some filing done.

Here is a poem shared by a friend from Vernonia. A couple of days ago, he called to say he had the respiratory mess that everyone was getting in town. Did I have anything I could recommend? I have my own personal 'magic bullet' for knocking a flu or sinus infection. I told him to come over and I'd give him something from my own cupboards. Two timed release natural Vitamin C, two 1-Gram capsules of Garlic with Spearmint oil and Rosemary extract and one of Shaklee's Nutriferon which stimulate the body's own interferon production. I told him to take one dose in the morning, and one at night. For good measure, I gave him 6 Defend and Resist w/ Echinacea Purpurea, Zinc, Black Elderberry and Larch Tree extracts to take 2 at a time during the day in a tea, swallowed or sucked on like a lozenge. I delivered two more of my combos that night, as I was short a vitamin C and had to borrow one from a friend of mine. The next day he called and the congestion and sore throat was much better. Ahh. Relief. Give the body what it needs to heal itself is my personal belief.

Below is a poem he shared with me.

"They say the world is round and yet
I often think it square
So many little hurts we get
From corners here and there.
But one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west,
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know
We please the fleeting guest
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best."

Author Unknown

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