Saturday, February 7, 2009

Offerings of Vernonia Lake

Today I walked around the path at Vernonia Lake, met one of the past City Council members walking her sweet old Airedale, and walked around with her, a second time. We both commented how different the lake looks each time we come. There is always some new discovery, a different mood or color scheme. The weather and time of day and wildlife offer a new palette many times within the same day. There is something serene in a reflection of sky in water. The old mill cement remnants are caught in some of the photos. I'll try to get them all in with future blog entries.

A flock of slender-necked geese headed skyward from the lake, honking loudly. A little boy was fishing. Two couples sat near some picnic benches talking. One couple came on a Harley, though the air is still chilly, especially when the sun starts going down. The moon was up as I made the last lap, and the reflection in the water reminded me of the many night scenes. Sometimes the bald eagle pair fly with new young. Ospreys share the hunting ground with the eagle. Ducks swim nervously in a huddle when these birds of prey arrive.

Today the black Coots swam in their neighborhood, wild ducks noisily negotiated in another while the larger domestic ducks swam off when I approached the grassy banks, sending familiar ripples outward. I took several pictures, and will include some of them.

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