Sunday, October 25, 2009

Some Fun Forwards Lately....

Thanks to a young friend, April for sending these...

This blog below, is another extraordinary website I happened on today....

Cougar news: A big long cat was seen lurking in the grass by the turnoff to Anderson Park on the Vernonia Lake trail a couple of weeks ago. It's large yellow eyes shone in the flashlight glare, when one walker heard an animal in the grass, about 10 ft. away. It was going one direction, and the man and his daughter-in-law and grandson with two small dogs, the other. The cat was not afraid of humans at all.

The bunnies living in the wild briars by the lake seem to be disappearing. The next up in the food chain would be small dogs and then children. Any runners could also incite the chase in a wild animal. I spoke to Officer Kay at the City Office, and he said Fish and Game/Wildlife fellows were coming up the day this cougar was sited near people, again. They use hounds to tree the cougar, a dart puts it to sleep, and it's relocated. Some say their hunting grounds are 60 miles. Without a sign or notification, people using the waking path don't know the cougar is there. Many have stopped walking around the lake, or at least by themselves. Night walking would be more dangerous. Cougars like to sneak up behind their prey, some say. These sitings give a little bit of eery to the Halloween season. One of my logger friends said the cougar has seen me more than I will ever see it.

Well, the apple crisp is done, and the kitchen smells of apples, brown sugar, butter and cinnamon. I'll have to post the recipe next time....

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