Wednesday, January 21, 2009

YouTube channel, Zoo Outing & Emerson

The day has been cold here in Vernonia, but the sun tends to come out in the afternoon. It's supposed to get to 30 degrees tonight. I thought of washing the little car of mine yesterday, but it was too late in the evening. The doors may have been frozen shut in the morning. The hose would have had to be drained, and the sun was sinking when I answered another phone call.

I have successfully procrastinated filing for weeks. I feel miserable about it. Tonight I think after I make some fresh juice with carrots, an apple, cilantro, celery, spinach and red grapes, I will do dishes by my YouTube music list. Drop by sometime and let me know if you enjoy some of the songs that I do. You can read more about me on my channel, also, and feel free to comment.

Maybe I'll make those enchiladas and some hummus before the chickpeas I cooked go bad. I have a recipe using a Chipotle pepper and some roasted red peppers and sundried tomatoes to try. I'll post it on my blog if it's a good one.

So, should the filing get done, as I finish laundry and water plants, I will be pleased. For me, an uncluttered, organized business world is essential to good functioning. I tend to feel like a bear in the winter, and yearn to hibernate. Had I hooked up my wood stove, I could have easily fallen asleep any night with a book or laptop.

The Portland Zoo had a free day for all the kids and their folks on Martin Luther King Day. I took my 12 year-old grandson, Joseph. He loved it so much, he thought we should do that every year. He'll probably always remember the colorful bird that drank the juice he offered in a little paper cup supplied by the zoo workers to get the feathered beasties to land on your hand and drink. They sometimes fly off as the juice shoots out the bottom end. Joe got the results on his sweatshirt, much to his horror. Life is for living. A favorite quote on my fridge from Emerson reads:

"To laugh often and much;
to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
to earn the appreciation of honest critics
and endure the betrayal of false friends;
to appreciate beauty;
to find the best in others;
to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child,
a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
to know even one life has breathed easier
because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded."


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