Friday, March 5, 2010

Moles in the Spring. Moles Falling off.

Here in Vernonia, we've had a warming trend, and in my raised bed gardens, peas that fell from last year's vines have sprouted, sending root downwards with gravity, and tendrils and leaf upward. I have mesh beneath both raised beds, as the moles had to be thwarted. They have tunneled under the beds, looking for food in damp places. The rusty trap has yet to be successful. The moles have gone wild in my yard. Unfortunately, the soil at my Scappoose home is also inviting (must have lots of worms), and mole hills abound there, also. I don't want to use poison, as the water table, well, creek in Scappoose and animals all discourage that.

So, please tell me how to get rid of moles. I don't know if Juicy Fruit gum works, or cotton balls with Vicks Vapor Rub. I know the golf course must have the secret. I won't be using a shot gun, waiting with a shovel, or blowing the tunnels up.

Meanwhile, one man found that he could get rid of another kind of mole. Read on...

In the book The Doctor Who Cures Cancer it tells about Dr. Revici, who died at 101 after extensive research and success at treating all kinds of cancers. His discoveries never went mainstream to the doctors as he was maligned by Sloan Kettering's ties to the American Cancer Society, deliberate lies on research results until his supporters ran out of money, two lawsuits that took valuable time and resources, and a JAMA article that was a cheater's trophy.  Sloan's Rockefeller wanted to be the first one to come up with a cancer cure. Sloan is famous for forcing ill-advised chemotherapy on many unfortunate souls. What else were chemical manufacturers going to do with the poisons meant for warfare after the wars were over, to retain their profits?

In the link above, you can read an example (and see the photos) of a man who used Kelley Eidem's shared recipe to fight cancer. He took 1/2 an habanero pepper, garlic and ginger, put them on a slice of Ezekial bread slathered in butter and took emulsified fish oil. Dr. Revici was renowned in his work with lipids, developing theories of our cellular evolution, using lipids to introduce compounds to balance the Ph of cells. His cancer patients had no pain like the other poor suffering victims of the ignorant medical doctors, and he was able to help drug and alcohol-addicted people get off their chemicals without suffering and withdrawals.

Dr. Revici, a Romanian medical doctor and chemist actually created his own table of the Elements. He was not interested in wealth; only curing his patients. He found that cancer was either Anabolic or Catabolic, and helped his patients do simple urine tests and report reactions to foods he would instruct them to eat, to determine their Ph and rebalance it. He was extremely successful in curing cancer in cases where the other doctors had given up on the patient. He would never say 'cure', as he knew that cancer could come back. Many times people return to the same diet and lifestyle that brought about disease initially.

There is a wealth of Natural Cancer Cures . In this link, I share a documentary on MMS. You can purchase it here. For $19.99, $2.98 for the Citric Acid Activator and about $5 shipping, you will be glad to have this simple remedy for blood-borne pathogens in your medicine shelf.

Well, tomorrow is almost here. I have a burn pile to tackle, my 1947 Gibson electric range that will get three new wires on the Upsy Daisy large back burner, and on and on. Here in Vernonia, the Blueberry Planter is moving ahead, and a row of raspberries will be next, as a fence if I can find some starts and get the posts in the ground.

I can smell the sweet potatoes, potatoes and little winter squash in the crockpot. I have been blogging away, not paying attention to my kitchen projects.

Happy reading! Please feel free to comment, or ask for assistance specifically for particular health issues. Many times you will experience, that despite your $500-1300 monthly health insurance bill, your medical doctor may not have much to offer in the way of healing, but instead, 'manages' your disease with medications.
Anyone being offered chemo: Ask for the chemo sensitivity test for your particular cancer. Many times the suffering is for nothing but the destruction of your immune system. Farrah Fawcett called Suzanne Somers after 23? grueling impotent 'treatments'. Radiation does a lot of collateral damage, and I didn't allow it when I had my own cancer. Take charge of your health. You'll be happy you did. Many doctors don't have time to keep up on research, and they are in what they offer, in my experience. I brought my pelvic oncologist an abstract from a study, requesting a certain blood marker test. The first thing she said after surgery was, "You were right". Disturbing at best.

My best,

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