Friday, May 28, 2010

Ducks and Goslings: New Arrivals...

Vernonia Lake has some new arrivals for all who walk, bike and jog around the lake to see. There's a Mallard duck couple with 7 ducklings. They were eating the cracked corn someone put down for them a few mornings ago. There are also 5 goslings with their proud parents, being watched over, and learning the ropes of a new world, post-egg.

This morning I read about the Gulf of Mexico oil gusher, damaging countless animals and wildlife, bats dying with some kind of white nose (fungal) problem, and honeybees that keep disappearing. We are the stewards of our environment. What we don't watch over, will surely impact us for years, and may lead to our civilization's demise. Monsanto for instance, has ensured population control with their GMO foods, and the control of much of the seed bank. Check out this link to learn ten things you  may not know about MONSANTO .

When we look on store shelves, and find processed products made of corn and soy, we are looking at 90% GMO products. Check out Dr. Mercola's ARTICLE ON GMO CONSEQUENCES.
You will want to know this information.
I bought the bumper sticker once that said: If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. I saw it in my things the other day...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Moles in the Spring. Moles Falling off.

Here in Vernonia, we've had a warming trend, and in my raised bed gardens, peas that fell from last year's vines have sprouted, sending root downwards with gravity, and tendrils and leaf upward. I have mesh beneath both raised beds, as the moles had to be thwarted. They have tunneled under the beds, looking for food in damp places. The rusty trap has yet to be successful. The moles have gone wild in my yard. Unfortunately, the soil at my Scappoose home is also inviting (must have lots of worms), and mole hills abound there, also. I don't want to use poison, as the water table, well, creek in Scappoose and animals all discourage that.

So, please tell me how to get rid of moles. I don't know if Juicy Fruit gum works, or cotton balls with Vicks Vapor Rub. I know the golf course must have the secret. I won't be using a shot gun, waiting with a shovel, or blowing the tunnels up.

Meanwhile, one man found that he could get rid of another kind of mole. Read on...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunny and 40 Degrees on a Sunday..

Hearing the news about Florida's freezing temperatures and citrus crop damage makes me grateful for this El Nino-type winter day here in Vernonia, Oregon. We've had the zero degree moments last month, with freezing pipes to replace for some, and the winter is not over. I heard one fellow say he was not prepared when the really low temps hit, but his exposed pipe didn't break. It did, however, with further temperature drops, though it was not as low. The 4-5" of snow I saw here is now a soggy, melted memory.

Here in Vernonia we've had another community tragedy, of a local resident being killed at a steel mill, crushed under a load. In small communities, there are those that bring food and firewood, and work to gather money for those affected by life's unfortunate events.

Costs keep rising, despite many who are out of work. A ballot just came in asking for increased tax dollars. I went to Columbia County offices Monday to find them all closed on a Furlough day, and Friday the Sheriff's Department closes at noon. The norm of raising fees and taxes will someday soon find many bankrupt and homeless. Printing more money results in inflated dollars, requiring more of them to purchase anything. Registering a car is now $86. Gasoline is inching up towards $3 a gallon, local sewer and water bills are around $103 a month, and West Oregon Electric Cooperative with the second highest rates in the nation is planning to build new facilities out of the flood zone.

Some predict and believe in an orchestrated economic collapse, which will cause panic and martial law, and move the world into a 'new world order', like Kissinger and Bush and others have mentioned now for a few years. Others say with a downturn in the economy, an upturn is inevitable as always. I tend to believe those with some experience and wisdom like Ron Paul, who bothers to speak out, and can be heard on YouTube. Who knows? In the meantime, I'm sure my own life needs focus and attention.

I've decided to include a 'healthbite' at the end of this blog. This one will be about arthritis pain and what helped with a gal that uses an antioxidant called Vivix:

ARTHRITIS PAIN: I'm a person who has used Shaklee vitamins as well as their business plan to improve all elements of my health profile since 1985. I am now 72 and have been experiencing an elevated amount of joint, muscle and back pain. It has grown over the past several years to aggravating proportions effecting sleep and most movement. I was using up to 16 Pain Complex tablets a day to control this growing pain. It worked to quench the pain but the pain itself showed no signs of letting up. Then, in early August, Shaklee Corporation introduced VIVIX, a fabulous new longevity tonic with resveratrol and super-grape extracts. I actually began taking Vivix while attending the convention in New Orleans. It is now September 15th and I'm pain free! I take NO Pain Complex. I use the Prescription for Health products recommended by Dr. Jamie McManus in addition to teaspoon a day. It's great to be able to move again without pain anywhere. Martha Maxwell

Contact Pamela for information about Vivix, or any Food Supplement, Vitamin or Protein from Shaklee.
Shaklee Independent Distributor