Friday, May 28, 2010

Ducks and Goslings: New Arrivals...

Vernonia Lake has some new arrivals for all who walk, bike and jog around the lake to see. There's a Mallard duck couple with 7 ducklings. They were eating the cracked corn someone put down for them a few mornings ago. There are also 5 goslings with their proud parents, being watched over, and learning the ropes of a new world, post-egg.

This morning I read about the Gulf of Mexico oil gusher, damaging countless animals and wildlife, bats dying with some kind of white nose (fungal) problem, and honeybees that keep disappearing. We are the stewards of our environment. What we don't watch over, will surely impact us for years, and may lead to our civilization's demise. Monsanto for instance, has ensured population control with their GMO foods, and the control of much of the seed bank. Check out this link to learn ten things you  may not know about MONSANTO .

When we look on store shelves, and find processed products made of corn and soy, we are looking at 90% GMO products. Check out Dr. Mercola's ARTICLE ON GMO CONSEQUENCES.
You will want to know this information.
I bought the bumper sticker once that said: If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. I saw it in my things the other day...